Complex Thinking Education for All
Collaborative digital medium that will offer and facilitate training in the sub-competences of complex thinking, scientific, critical, systemic, innovative and computational thinking, for lifelong students.

Micro-credentials: In addition to the certification, the digital school will also offer micro-credentials in a broad spectrum of development so that students can build their own path according to their needs and pace, demonstrating their improvement in their workplace or within their grid.
Build a collaboration network: To strengthen our international network, foster communication with international specialist partners, and position our institution in Complex Thinking. This collaboration will allow the construction of an international evaluation and certification index in Complex Thinking.
Development of standards as an open certification: The National Council for Standardization and Certification of Labor Skills, with the collaboration of the R4C research group, is developing the certification standard. The digital center will offer training for certification of competence. The CTE4A will also offer specialized training services for companies and institutions.
Validation and analysis tools: The CTE4A will offer resources to create, measure and validate OER in the development of complex thinking. These tools will be aligned with the CONOCER certification and enabled by AI tools that will collect the experience of the OER presented and used by the participants.
Resources to close the gap: Identifying the biggest gaps and the best strategies for marginalized and atypical populations will serve to create adequate resources that cover users without digital skills, with disabilities or from unfavorable backgrounds.
Create a Digital Hub (DH) that offers and facilitates training in the sub-competences of complex thinking, scientific, critical, systemic, innovative and computational thinking, for lifelong students powered by 4.0 technologies.
The CTE4A Hub will be a resource that will have contributed significantly to developing and strengthening the complex thinking skills of students throughout life, both national and international, and will also be positioned as a relevant, open and shared space to build, evaluate and train the aforementioned competencies.
Expected impact
Taking into account the development of the platform, the project is expected to provide a service that provides:
(i) A center for Complex Thinking research experts to assemble a network led by the IFE.
(ii) Generative methodologies and tools to create multichannel content
(iii) Learning experiences and programs offered as microcredentials to train for certification
(iv) OER evaluation and validation tools. Skills development resources and training will be offered to individuals, academia, industry, civil society or government, in open source or tailored on-demand modalities.

Tecnológico de Monterrey. Introducción a V-Logistics. México. Responsables Jorge Sanabria, Ernesto Pacheco, Pamela Olivo

Tecnológico de Monterrey. Introducción a V-Logistics. México. Responsables Jorge Sanabria, Ernesto Pacheco, Pamela Olivo

Tecnológico de Monterrey. Introducción a V-Logistics. México. Responsables Jorge Sanabria, Ernesto Pacheco, Pamela Olivo