Open Educational Model for Complex Thought
Complex Thinking
We develop an open educational model that promotes the competence of complex thinking from a critical, analytical and proactive perspective, in order to contribute to the present and future of education.

Promote high-level skills essential to address today's global challenges.
Provide an open and transferable training model to benefit universities, companies and the government.
Provide more complete training adapted to the needs of an increasingly demanding job market.
Propose an open educational model that allows raising learning results in universities, companies and the government through the development of complex thinking.
Promote high-level skills essential to address global challenges by supporting lifelong learning and adapting to the needs of the labor market.
What solution do we propose?
Complex thinking
Ability to apply integrative thinking that enables analysis, synthesis and problem solving and continuous learning through the mastery of the cognitive skills necessary to use scientific, critical, systemic and innovative thinking, according to the challenges demanded by the current and future context in the exercise of the profession and in the commitment as a citizen with the transformation of the environment.
Philosophical component
Within the framework of complex thinking, the deep meaning and significance of educational activity is sustained: principles, purposes, criteria, premises, values, concepts and contexts.
Theoretical component
Theoretical foundation of complex thinking with foundations that interact, interconnect and, at the same time, recognize the unfinished and incomplete nature of all knowledge.
Political component
It supports the development of complex thinking by informing and defining the strategies and actions through which the model is consolidated, with guidelines to support the operation.
Educational component
It guides the learning process to develop complex thinking competencies, guiding the actions of the educational subjects and the role they play within the training process.
Cross-cutting component innovation and technology
Open educational model
To raise learning outcomes in universities, business and government; promote training for critical and creative thinking and support lifelong learning; and counteract the high degree of uncertainty caused by environmental, technological, economic and social changes.

Modelo abierto de pensamiento complejo para el futuro de la educación
Ramírez-Montoya, M.S., Basabe, F.E., Carlos Arroyo, M., Azeneth Patiño, I. y Portuguez-Castro, M. (2024). Modelo abierto de Pensamiento Complejo para el Futuro de la Educación. Editorial Octaedro, España.
http://doi.org/10.36006/16422-0 https://hdl.handle.net/11285/652033